Oh my, what a day! But it ended as well as it could. I get to keep my job, with the loss of .5 to 1 full hour. The library will be only open 4.5 hours and the rest of my time goes to one on one teaching. Adapt or die. I am grateful to have a job when others do not.
At home we have a problem with the computer line that is waiting to be repaired. I hope my neighbor behind me didn't try to tap into my Internet like he did my cable. It took us awhile to guess what was wrong with it that it would go so fuzzy. He even buried the cable he spliced into mine. What some people will do!
So here I am at 7:58 P.M. on a Friday night doing a quickie post to let folk know that things turned out acceptably for me today and I feel a huge relief! I can maybe sleep again tonight. I've been working off of about 3 hours a night. When I can't sleep I have to get up and move around or go crazy. I used to lie there and flop around. Now I clean or read or cook for the next day. Anyway, I'm sure I've been sleep deprived. No wonder I giggle too much. I'm slap happy!
I am at my library using my library computer. Best I can do. I can come and go here. I'll be back to check on things tomorrow after the lock down people leave. It's like a giant school wide slumber party. They will be locked in with chaperons until morning. I did not volunteer. I am going home to have margaritas, dance like a lunatic in the bathroom for a time and then when exhausted, go to bed.
Why the bathroom dance floor? Fair question. I'd ask that. I have a two bedroom house with two boys at home... one is 21 and the other is 17. I believe that it is more important for them to have privacy at this point than for me to. So each of them has his own room. I sleep in the living room in a big comfy overstuffed chair with an ottoman. I have a fold down sofa... it sucks. I could sleep laying down on the sofa unopened but that sucks too. The chair is heavenly.
Anyway... there you have it. I won't be answering posts as they come in this time. I'll be off boozing, dancing and eventually snoozing. Tomorrow I'll be back to check on Odles of Funch.
Oh, that's dancing in the bathroom because I am forbidden to dance where the boys can see me. It's too painful they tell me.
I have no clue what they mean... though I did attend the Jello Biafra school of dance. (Dead Kennedys) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgfMnpwjhE Jello is seen here with the band Pennywise and the song is called "Let's Lynch the Landlord". Jello is different and yes, bizarre in some ways. He tells the greatest story about getting a flat in P'Land and the ill that befell him here. Unfortunately I have not found that video yet.
A little Madness in the Spring Is wholesome even for the King.~ Emily Dickinson
Please do not forget the Great Turtle Race... visit billy pilgrim at his blog, anubis, anubis, anubis . It's a hoot!
ReplyDeleteI've wanted to chuck my job repeatedly lately-thanks for the reminder that it could be worse.
Have another margarita on me.
ReplyDeleteHere's to you keeping your job
Here's to another spirited dance
Here's to you getting some well-deserved sleep
I could toast all night, but I'd better stop now.
I read both this and the last post together, so I'm relieved that you are still employed. But sad about the changes in your school - nothing seems secure right now, does it?
ReplyDeleteAnd I understand what you mean about the boys needing privacy - before I bought thi shohare a use, it took some doing to find a three-bedroom house with a reasonable rent. I wanted the kdis not to have to begin shaing a room and I also very much wanted a room for me. In this house, to get in my price range, I was able to get three bedrooms, but we all share a bath.
phew! big phew! glad to hear it.
ReplyDeletecongratulations on the job. you know the watering hole is getting smaller when a cut in hours is cause for celebration.
ReplyDeletebilly seems to be stuck at 289 miles. i hope he found a girl friend.
the turtles are like bartel and james:
thank you for your support.
Michael-- Thank you. It's easier to appreciate the mundane things when we fear we will lose them.
ReplyDeleteCube-- The margarita were divine and the dancing a bit excessive. I'm okay with it that it wasn't the other way around.Ha. Thanks for the toasts... cheers!
Citizen-- Yes, I got through the biggie and kept my space, but the changes will be many and nothing at all is set in stone. Things hang on how much funding really trickles down. If we get less than promised... the axe-man will return. Beyond people we have lost library availability hours, music and art have suffered, even athletics have fallen off. Text books will not be updated. Field trips... I could continue on but you get my drift.
I loathed sharing a room with my sister. I had nothing that was private or secret. The "dancing room" as the boys call the bathroom is considered to be my room and that is where all my secrets lay. I do not need much space. ;-)
Lime-- Yes, big PHEW! Thanks.
ReplyDeletebilly-- I'm hoping that billy is having the time of his life with that sea-she! Whoohoo!
I have had so much fun with your great turtle race sharing it with the teachers and students. I even got my Annie down in Cali to partisipate. There is nothing that I do better than faithfully follow those things that I love. I love those turtles! No thanks required. Thank you for bringing it to me!
Bartles and James... hahahaha "and thank you for your support!" hahahhaha I get it.
Yea! for you. Drink and dance away. I make a point to dance in front of my daughters. It keeps them humble.
ReplyDeleteChurlita-- It scares the beegeezes of my boys! They whine, they moan, they beg and send me to "my room." Ha. I do enjoy distrubing them whenever possible.