Then it was up river to go to physical therapy. What an odd experience that is. I use a machine to warm up... I'd like to have one of these at home. It's sort of a bike with handles you pump. Then I get massaged. Man that is somewhere between delightful pain and nirvana. What was that John Cougar Melloncamp said? "It hurts so good!" I end with stretches and get my orders for the week. They keep growing. I'm up to 5 stretches and one strengthening exercise called... dubiously... "the clam". Very unglamourous looking... kind of like you're airing out your crotch. Not my favorite part.
Ran to the market in the town to the left, since I was up river anyway and got real food from a real market with decent prices. Bought a ton of fish, my personal favorite food and red meat for the male carnivores. Came home, whipped up a post roast and talapia with a wonderful cajun rub. Everyone had salad and corn. Then we all plopped down for Fringe.
I cannot tell you how disappointed I was! I'd read on the Yahoo! entertainment page that Nimoy was going to be on. If he was, I was finishing the dishes and managed to miss him. Did anyone else actually see him? All I saw was Gentle Ben's kid thinking he was Spock. I felt cheated. Sheesh!
Hope you have a lovely day. We have rain, rain, and a bit of rain. It's knocking all the cherry blossoms off the trees and turning the camileas brown. Here's an interesting bit of nothing... the town to the left (22 miles) gets 40 inches of rain each year. So does the town to the right (40 miles). We... here in the shadow of the cliffs get 100 inches a year. Do I know how to pick a place to live or what?
I'll repeat yesterday's advice... Laugh if you can. Pray it gets better. Be thankful.
Nimoy made a brief appearance at the very end during the promos for next week's show. First you hear his very distinctive voice and then you see the silhouette which is clearly him. They did bring up William Bell so his appearance was foreshadowed somewhat ominously.
ReplyDeleteThe Gentle Ben kid (Clint Howard) is also a Trek alum. He played Balok in "The Corbomite Manuever". He was the one who uttered the memorable phrase, "First the Tranya,' which I often use around the house. If the kids or the cats make demands on me early in the morning, I use it on them while I make the coffee.
Um, that should've read alumnus, not alum, which are double sulfates of a trivalent metal and a univalent metal... and not what I meant at all.
ReplyDeleteCube-- Well, I bet he's glad he's not them! lol
ReplyDeleteAh... so I did miss him. Drats. What a time to go to the loo. ;-)
You just missed the previews for next week. Not a biggie. It was very brief.
ReplyDeleteWell Cube-- Now I'm wondering if I didn't get my information confused and should have looked at the date of the show. They were talking about the season finale. I bet that was why. Oh silly Ananda! hahaha
ReplyDeletehow about walter koenig? in my youth i was a spock fan but i now consider all vulcans to suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. kinda like that obama guy.
ReplyDeletecaptain, the klingon wessel approaches.
this is the first star trek that holds no interest to me.
billy-- I like your walter impersonation... spot on!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about Vulcans and this new one is Siler in another life, who of course has serious issues. Must be why I like him. I've always had a soft spot for the mentally unstable. ;-)
billy-- By the way, I won't be going to the movie in a theater. I'll wait and see it when it shows up at my house. But I almost never go to a theater anyway. I cheap, cheap, cheap.
ReplyDeleteIt's raining here too. your dinner sounds wonderful.
ReplyDeleteChurlita-- thank you. I love fish, especially when it's spicy. I like simple too. Nothing too rich. No heavy desserts. Food to build lean muscle, feed your brain and tasty too.
ReplyDeleteBut I still love Mexican food! My passion with that these days is carnae asada chicken... spelled wrong I'm sure. Yum! Maybe I'll make that tonight.
ReplyDeleteThere is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.
Kurt Vonnegut, "Cold Turkey", In These Times, May 10, 2004
(It took me awhile to find it.)
" All I saw was Gentle Ben's kid thinking he was Spock."
ReplyDeleteAnd he's not Chaka either!
I loved "Gentle Ben"
dmarks-- Now I have to go and look up Chaka! I am out of the loop these days.
ReplyDeleteI too loved Gentle Ben. We have always called Clint "Gentle Ben's Boy". I'm sure you know he's Ron's brother.
I got see Ron when we were both little guys in a touring version of The Music Man... he played the kid with the lisp (Oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is...) and Forest Tucker was the music man. Shirley (Mrs. Partiridge) was Madam Librarian. I learned all the songs and traumatized my family all summer long by singing them.
Mmmm, fish.
ReplyDeleteWe're having the very same weather.
Vulcans feel emotions, they just don't think it's acceptable to emote them in public. They fight that urge constantly. Sometimes they slip, especially when they're young.
ReplyDeleteCube--Oooh, then my Siler can be a good young vulcan! I really do like Siler on Heroes. He is going to save the world, I believe. Bad or not. That is his job. Do you watch Heroes?
ReplyDeleteI really am excited about seeing my Siler guy play young Spock.
Say... why aren't you out at one of the premiers tonight? I'm not because of my vow of poverty... okay, my just plain poverty. ha.
I've been a fan of Spock for more years than I care to admit and the congruent event that Silar will be the new Spock is sometimes more than my geeky scifi loving heart can stand.
ReplyDeleteBTW I'm not going to the movie this week because our family wanted to see this film together and, it turns out, my youngest daughter is going to be going to crew regionals in Tennessee this weekend. Who knew they'd qualify?
Cube-- Ah ha! I knew there must be a reason that you were waiting. Well wonderful for your daughter! I wish them good luck.
ReplyDeleteHa. I know what you mean about Spock. I recently told another friend that I was unsure that Syler could do it... because he has such an expressive face. I know he has a real name...Gabriel Grey. Oops. Had the spelling wrong. Anyway, I was not sure that he could pull off the stony face of Spock.
aahh, massaaaaaage. even the therapeutic feels good.
ReplyDeleteLime-- indeed! And no machine, no matter how nice they may also feel, can replace the wonderful feeling of someone else's hands moving over your body. It's magic.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the good wishes for my daughter's boat. All good wishes are appreciated.
ReplyDeleteBTW who is Gabriel Grey? I thought the new Spock was played by Zachary Quinto. And from what I've seen, he looks like a good fit to me.
Cube-- my bad... I picked that off of a site and it was not the right name. I should have fact checked it. Oh well. I really like him, but as Syler he has a very expressive face, so I was unsure how Vulcanish he'd be. I am glad to be getting great reports on him.