This week aliencg at Swamp Gas & Moonlit Reflections - is doing an 80s thing on his blog. I thought I would jump on his bandwagon and add my 80s favorite... Max, who is moving out today. I'll be driving him away and leaving him in the town to the left.
The photo above is of Max with his nephew, Mikey taken two years ago this month. Both boys have certainly changed. Max has lost any trace of baby fat and Mikey has gained it! ha.
As you can see, we are a baby loving family.
Max was born very quickly in 1987... I'm not kidding, 45 minutes of labor to delivery. When my sister, Cinderella looked at Max she said "My goodness he's sturdy!" Indeed. A muscular baby... who knew they existed?
Hairy too. He looked like some wolf child... hairy shoulders, a line of hair that ran from those hairy shoulders down his back and into his butt crack... dark black fur. My little Lycan. He also had a silver streak down the side of his furry head. It's still there in that thatch of curly hair.
At age three he asked me... if we walked on the ceiling... how can we reach the door knob? Until this time it never occurred to me that the door knob is farther from the ceiling than it is from the floor. Max figured that right out. He's still like that, noticing things that the rest of us might miss.
Now an old man of 21, he's moving out. Time to say good-bye to the child. His friends all live in the town to the left. Now he will too. Bear and B-wreck are both there. My children are exceptionally close. They all talk all the time on their cells, on line, in game mode, etc. I am happy for Max, its Squeaky that I feel sorry for... he's stuck with only mom. Yikes. Poor soul.
Because it is 80s week we are doing... Here are the 80s things that have something to do with Max.
First, where Max got his name: Mad Max the movie.
As you can see, we are a baby loving family.
Max was born very quickly in 1987... I'm not kidding, 45 minutes of labor to delivery. When my sister, Cinderella looked at Max she said "My goodness he's sturdy!" Indeed. A muscular baby... who knew they existed?
Hairy too. He looked like some wolf child... hairy shoulders, a line of hair that ran from those hairy shoulders down his back and into his butt crack... dark black fur. My little Lycan. He also had a silver streak down the side of his furry head. It's still there in that thatch of curly hair.
At age three he asked me... if we walked on the ceiling... how can we reach the door knob? Until this time it never occurred to me that the door knob is farther from the ceiling than it is from the floor. Max figured that right out. He's still like that, noticing things that the rest of us might miss.
Now an old man of 21, he's moving out. Time to say good-bye to the child. His friends all live in the town to the left. Now he will too. Bear and B-wreck are both there. My children are exceptionally close. They all talk all the time on their cells, on line, in game mode, etc. I am happy for Max, its Squeaky that I feel sorry for... he's stuck with only mom. Yikes. Poor soul.
Because it is 80s week we are doing... Here are the 80s things that have something to do with Max.
First, where Max got his name: Mad Max the movie.
mad max 2 opening start first scene.
Max Headroom Art Of Noise Paranoimia
3 min 19 sec

And Maxfield Parrish, the artist.
And this is the song we sang to him as a baby:
It's a wonder he didn't become demented.
His dad gave him a silver hammer when he was 4.
And this is the song we sang to him as a baby:
It's a wonder he didn't become demented.
His dad gave him a silver hammer when he was 4.
I don't worry about seeing Max. Even when he's away, he calls and checks in. They all do. I don't know how I managed that.
I am only a little bit sad about it. Mostly I am happy for Max. He has already assured me that we will be going back the the Crystal Ballroom to see K.M.R.I.A. for their Christmas gig... they're a Pogues cover band. So things like that are not going to change a whole lot yet. A steady girl may change that quickly.
But I'm okay with that too.
The best part... I get Max's room. Yeah... no more sleeping in the living room. A room of my own again. See me smile!
Thank you to Michael at Innocents and Accidents, Hints and Allegations for the Dane Cook quote. :-)
Great story and thanks for participating in my 80's week. Feel free to post more fun stuff. It doesn't sound like Max is going to be too far away so you will still be able to keep in touch. I do like the movie Mad Max and I did watch the Max Headroom TV show.
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful post about a wonderful son. i'm so glad your kids are close to each other and to you. i can only hope the same will be true of mine. best wishes to max as he moves on to his own place.
ReplyDeletealiencg-- You are welcome! I am having fun with the 80s stuff. My oldest met Mel Gibson and told him about Max being named for that character. He said he was really flattered.
ReplyDeleteThat's a wonderful tribute to Max. It's so good to see our kids grow up into people we're proud to know.
ReplyDeletelilme-- Our town is so small. The kids are together in school from K-12th. The big ones help with the little ones. I think that influenced them.
ReplyDeleteOne day Bear looked out the science class window to see a kid bullying Max... she flew out of class and snatched that bully right up! She did get into trouble for doing it, but Max was never bullied again.
Thanks for the wishes for him, lime. You are so right, Max is a wonderful son and I think he's become a wonderful man.
Janie-- Welcome to oodles of funch! Yes, it does feel good and I am terribly proud of him. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have a baby Lycan of my own. He's lost most of his pelt, though sadly not the taste for human flesh.
ReplyDeleteCaptain Dumbass-- May I say, I loved your post today and that photo... what a hoot! Love, love your name too. Welcome to oodles of funch! You and your sister seem to have my kind of sense of humor. Nice to see ya both.
ReplyDeleteYour own room? Smile.
ReplyDeletecrazy4coens-- Yeah. Sad isn't it? I began my life waiting for the day when my creepy sister would move out and leave me the room to myself.
ReplyDeleteHere I am a bazillion years later looking forward to having my own room again. Sigh. Let me go find Wally and the Beave.
Soon I'll be whining that I don't have anyone to share my room with! Ha.
crazy4coens-- Allow me to enlighten you...
ReplyDeleteI have a 2 bedroom house and had two boys who are at an age where privacy is important. So I gave them the rooms and I sleep in the living room.
What the heck use do I have of privacy? One of those being unattached pluses you never think about... because they suck!
Loving tribute to your son, Ananda Girl. Really nice.
ReplyDeleteI dread the day when my girls decide it's time to move out. Mr. Cube and I will reduced to the proverbial puddle of lukewarm Jello. Wait, is there a proverb utilizing the word "Jello"? No, just an advertising jingle... "There's always room for Jello."
cube-- I think I'm feeling a bit more "jiggly" than I thought I would. And oddly enough... because I am a stress eater who needs to curb that obsession... I stocked up on sugar free cherry jello for the occasion! So, funny you should mention that!
ReplyDelete(At 10 calories a cup, I will get sick of them before I do myself damage... though the red food coloring is scary too. But that's another obsession.)
Aw. Your kids seem so cool. I'm glad you are all so close. I hope my girls are like that with me when they're adults.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a room of my own either! What a wonderful post. Max...and your other kids, too...sound just amazing. I think you have just the right attitude towards the growing up process. And by the way, I love all that dark, curly hair!
ReplyDeleteThat's nice. It is incredibly comforting to know that teenagers eventually turn back into human beings again.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it is a wonderful thing to see your kids grow up and become adult members of the family. But it has also been hard to let go of the littleness of them. I guess I'm just a sentimental fool. I'm glad it's not something I have to face right now.
ReplyDeleteChurlita-- I am horribly fond of them! Ha. I like yours too. Like how strong you have raised your daughters. Exceptional job mom!
ReplyDeleteLaura b-- It amazes me how many of us room-less moms there are out there!
ReplyDeleteI just dropped Max off. He turned to me and very seriously asked "Are you going to be okay mom? I can commute if you need me to..."
Yep. I nearly lost it. But Squeaky chose that moment to call and demand food from Dairy Queen. I was still somebody's mom. Sigh.
Michael-- Thanks for dropping in! Yes, they do!
ReplyDeleteBut I have to tell you, Max can be a total ass sometimes. Just yesterday in fact. It's only much, much less frequent. And now when I call him on it, he apologizes. That's a vast improvement.
Cube-- It sucks.
ReplyDeletebang bang maxwell's silver hammer....
ReplyDeletesomething tells me you wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch if max would stay.
i dread the day when my angels move out but it's gonna happen pretty soon.
billy-- You are so right. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteWorse, Squeaky decided he has to stay with his sister for 3 or 4 days before he goes to stay with friends for a month! So I am for the first time since dirt was new... totally and completely alone for a good length of time.
This is going to be strange. I think the dog gets to sleep inside for awhile. ;-)
45 minutes! I envy you.
ReplyDeleteA bittersweet goodbye, seems like. Hpw great to know he's grown into a man, but a little wsitful to leave behind the child. But yay! your own room!!
Citizen-- All my kids were born in under two hours start to finish except for the first one... 39 hours! Oy!
ReplyDeleteYes, bittersweet.
I keep looking at my new room and thinking... do I really need those naked women on my wall? I've got some work to do.