Saturday, August 1, 2009


Our word for this week's Saturday Scavenger Hunt comes from dmarks at Throwawayblog


I am so glad that he picked this word because, frankly, I am sick of summer heat! It's a joy to take a few minutes to think of winter and cool breezes.

Here in Oregon where I live, we have snow in winter.

But I can't deny that when the first snow begins to fall, I get excited and can't wait for the white blanket to cover everything.

If we are really lucky, school closes for an impromptu day off. YAY!

Driving can be a problem in the snow... but the hero who drives this baby saves the day!

(I'm so glad I took this one last sprin
g before the truck was garaged.)

This is not an uncommon scene here. We have over 30 waterfalls between Dumb Potter's Hell and P'land. They all freeze and make fantastic icicles.

This is wh
at I see every winter when I leave my house. I stop and take a moment every single day to appreciate what beauty surrounds me. You don't see this in Fresno. Nope.

Of course by the end of winter this is pretty much the way I feel about it. Tire
d of the snow and the red rock on the road and being cold.

Winter is a great time for hot foods.
Cream of Wheat, Oatmeal (my personal favorite), or Zoom!

Ta ra ra boom dee yay... have you had Zoom today?
I had my yester
day... ta ra ra boom dee yay!

This is my very favorite winter lunch or diner.

Yum... homemade fresh tomato soup! Add veggies, avocado, sour cream, mac and cheese or croutons. Oh boy. Match it with some garlic bread with a light sprinkle of fresh Parmesan cheese and y
ou can put me in heaven. Or do you like gold fish in your soup? Spice it up with parsley, oregano or basil. Toss in some left over chicken breast cut into cubes. That's the great thing about homemade tomato soup in winter... what's in the ice box goes into the soup! It's ever changing and always fresh. Don't forget to add some salsa or Tobasco sauce to spice it up a notch. If you're thinking... tomatoes are expensive in winter! Well, when you don't add meat, the cost of your meal is still less than that steak diner and soooo much better for you. The vitamine C alone is worth the expense.

I guess you know what I like best about winter now... that soup! Oh wait... I eat that year round. Hummm...
I can think of other winter things too, but have no photos... Christmas, snowmen, snowball f
ights with my boys and Bear. Their winter sports... skiing, snowboarding, inner-tubing. My winter sport is right here:

Boy I could have gone on and on with this word... I never even got to the "winter of our discontent". Oh, I guess I just did. ha.

Thanks for the great word, dmarks. Fun game as always! Ta!

Funch is sort of freaking out again. I don't know what causes that , but there it is.


  1. Excellent photos. All superb examples of WINTER, even if it is the mid of summer. I'm not quite ready for WINTER yet. I have "Hazy Shade of Winter" by the Bangles (Less Than Zero Soundtrack). I like the last snow picture, it represents well my sentiments.

  2. AlienCG-- Thank you so much!

    I know that version of Hazy Shade of Winter and almost used it instead.

    That last one is not mine... it's one I found on GI and was too good to pass up. he he

  3. time enough for love was my bible for quite a few years.

    specialization is for insects.

  4. wow, that soup has made me hungry. but i gotta ask, what is zoom?

  5. billy pilgrim-- It is a great book.

    All men are created unequal.


  6. lime-- Zoom is a hot breakfast cereal like Cream of Wheat made I think from the whole bran. It was a big deal when I was little and that was its theme song.

    Like all things marvelously silly, I kept it in my head. Surely there is a use for all silly things in time.

  7. you managed to make winter look beautiful - as well as dumb potter's hell.

    the soup looked fan-freckin-tastic! yum yum yum!

    i am sure the finger is how everyone who live through snowy winters feel. as i feel about summer.

    great post, as always!

  8. crazy4coens-- Dumb Potter's Hell is beautiful,no doubt about it!

    Yeah... go so hungry for it, making it tonight.

    Thanks. I showed you mine, now I'm on the way to see yours! hee hee

  9. Dang, you and Dmarks live in amazing places. Saw some of his pics of Traverse and the bay they have, and you with your beautiful mountains. Lucky duckies.

  10. Sebastien-- Thank you so much! I've never been a lucky ducky before... how nice! I rather like that.

  11. I love that song. But I am not eager to see winter get here - I'll take the heat any day.

  12. secret agent woman-- I love fall and I love spring. I'm not a true fan of winter or summer! Heat I can live without forever. If I had to choose... winter cold vs summer heat. Winter wins... there is no competition at all.

  13. I'm not a Winter person, but I sure love to eat Winter food. Great photos.

  14. Churlita-- Thank you. I love to make soup. It's the best food with all the food groups you need if you do it right. All in one happy, hot bowl.

  15. Very cool and wintery post. I would love to see all of those icicle waterfalls...and then stop by your place for some of that soup :-)

  16. laura b.-- If you ever want to come up here and camp in the crowded, noisy, male-filled (god love em!) insanity of Chez Oodles... please do!

    I would fix you soup fit for a queen and let you use my coveted folding chair! Nothing but the best for my guests!

    Our icicles are legendary and oh-so-astounding! I sometimes break them off and bring them home. But i can't tell Squeaky or he will use them as frozen swords and then no one is safe. heavy sigh.

    There are many dull moments at Chez Oodles, but there are some exciting ones here and there too.

  17. Fantastic.

    Big Heinlein fan here, like most thinking people. :-)

    That soup sounds wonderful. What time's dinner?

  18. Michael-- If you ever get out to the opposite coast and show up at my door... I swear to goodness that I will shove you into a comfy chair and cook for you on the spot... anytime! Soup is always on here.

    Heinlein is fabulous! The first book I ever went to the library alone and checked out without any adult help was "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel" by Heinlein... been hooked ever since! We may be able to blame him for my becoming a librarian!

  19. Michael-- Better bring your funny wife too! I'd love to meet that woman.
